

(一)特優:系統及船舶機電工程學 Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering  SNME

護理學系 Department of Nursing  NURS

交通管理科 Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science TCM

生命科學系 Department of Life Sciences  LS

醫學檢驗生物技術學 Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology MLSB


(二)優等:物理治療學系 Department of Physical Therapy  PT

工程科學系 Department of Engineering Science  ES

測量及空間資訊學系 Department of Geomatics  GM

職能治療學系 Department of Occupational Therapy OT

巿計劃學系 Department of Urban Planning  UP


(三)甲等:經濟學系 Department of Economics  ECON

外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature  FLL

企業管理學系 Department of Business Administration  BA

法律學系 Department of Law   LAW

化學工程學系 Department of Chemical Engineering  CHE

數學系 Department of Mathematics   MATH

工業與資訊管理學系 Department of Industrial and Information Management   IIM

水利及海洋工程學系 Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering  HOE

統計學系 Department of Statistics  STAT